
  1. Provides programming for families and children from birth to six years of age. The Early Childhood Development Outreach Worker Program supports parents with children up to six years of age through home visits, parenting workshops, opportunities to meet other p...
  2. Offers intensive in-home parent support and education programs to families and children from birth to age 15 who are experiencing difficulties. Outreach services in the home or community assist with developing skills, setting personal and family goals, and loc...
  3. Provides child and family services, child and youth mental health and protection services, and services for children and youth with support needs. Office hours are 9 am to 12 noon and 1 pm to 4 pm Monday to Friday.
  4. An in-home parenting outreach service for families with children up to age 13 that enhances existing family strengths through support and education. Outreach workers provide guidance to help parents improve parenting skills in developmental stages, setting lim...
  5. Provides settlement support to help newcomer youth ages 13 to 19 connect with their community. Offers group sessions, one-on-one outreach, guest speakers, and field trips to assist in the integration of newcomer youth. Topics include education, employment, men...
  6. Provides child and family services, child and youth mental health services, and services for children and youth with support needs in Surrey. Provides adoption and guardianship services for Surrey and White Rock. Also provides adoption services for Delta. Offi...